Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy No Smoking Day to the UK!

It's No Smoking Day for the inhabitants of the UK.

Kudos for implementing an appointed day for people to try to kick a nasty habit.  I don't know how much weight it carries for smokers, but I hope that it inspires them to know that there are other people making the same tough choice.  No.  Not a choice.  I don't want to call it that.  It's more like a battle.

Don't feel left out if you don't live in the UK.  There is always World No Tobacco Day.

So, on March 31, put that pack down.  If you've already started the battle, encourage someone else to put their pack down.  You know....technically, there is no tobacco in an e-cig.  I plan to vape the entire day....Proudly.  Nay!  Triumphantly!  I'll have to put in a major order for my e-liquid of choice ahead of time!

Mountain Oak Vapors

I would like to pose a question for the ladies.  Why can't we have a NO LAUNDRY DAY?!  :(

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