Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Holy crap. Mountain Oak Vapors just released sex in a bottle. MOV Gold is their new tobacco with honey. It's like they found mana from Heaven and mixed it with crushed up angel wings. I LOVE it. They've added a Create Your Own Flavor app and I am thinking about mixing MOV Gold with their Cinnamon Swirl. Oh, hell....why mess with perfection?

Mountain Oak Vapors

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Vapes on a Plane!

CASAA does a tremendous job protecting the rights of individuals who choose to vape. They also work tirelessly to draw a line between smoking and vaping. Recently the Department of Transportation has been looking for ways to drain more money out of people and impose more silly laws. More recently, they are looking at vaping in airports and on aircraft. Smoking and Vaping are too different animals. Below is the official document being sent on our behalf from CASAA.


It's upsetting to think that you have made a step in the right direction by putting down your analogs; only to find out that they are going to slap your wrist for your PVs. Maybe those DOT people need a little Georgia Peach e-liquid from Mountain Oak Vapors. It's calming me down already. ;)


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Day of Spring

Well, ladies in gentlemen, today is officially the first day of Spring. Odd...since we've been experiencing 80+ degree temperatures for a few weeks now, in my neck of the woods. I guess it's time for me to put my delicious, winter vapes away and load my cartos with the fruity tastes of Spring! Apple Valley, here I come.

Apple Valley and other fresh, fruity flavors can be found at Mountain Oak Vapors!


Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Day After...Is your toilet bowl green?

It's common knowledge that most of you woke up feeling a little less than fresh. lol A very wonderful man taught me how to combat those feelings by drinking water all night with my green beer. I probably should have shared that tidbit yesterday. But, here we are. I hope everyone returned safely to whence they came. ;)

Fun Fact: When I smoked, by dog would sneeze and give me accusing glances. When I vape, she doesn't even notice. Isn't that interesting? She may enjoy the sweet smell of my Devilish Delight. Mmmm... Mountain Oak Vapors, you've done it again. I LOVE this vape!

Mountain Oak Vapors

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tis the Season...for Green Beer and Yummy Vapes!

I hope everyone has a fantastically fun night while staying safe!

May your glass be ever full. May the roof over your head be always strong. And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead!

What's MY vape for the bar tonight? That smooth, tobacco blend Black Forest! <3

Mmm...thank you, Mountain Oak Vapors for making my e-cigs/e-liquids festive. ;)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Credible E-cig Info?

An article I read today :

TAMPA - Touted as a safer alternative to traditional smoking, electronic cigarettes are supposed to give smokers their nicotine fix without the cancer-causing side effects of tobacco. But some have serious concerns that the battery-operated vaping devices may actually pose more dangers to users.
Florida banned smoking in most public places more than eight years ago, but some 40 years after Gwynne Chesher started lighting up. “In 1965, everybody smoked, it was an acceptable thing to do back then."
At her worst, Chesher was puffing a pack a day and eventually, she tried to stop. "I tried the gum; It gave me a stomachache. Tried the patch; it made my heart beat fast and scared me."
So when her son, recently suggested yet something else, Gwynne signed up.
"You just inhale like a cigarette," and began what some call 'vaping.' “It looks like smoke, but its water vapor."
E-cigarettes are battery operated. They have the look and feel of a traditional cigarette, without the smell, the smoke and the harmful side effects, say its supporters. Chesher said, “I was really impressed.”
Then her doctor weighed in. “He was like 'No way! You can't use those!'”
Dr. Mike Feinstein, a spokesman for the American Lung Association said, “People are inhaling some type of chemical vaporized compound into their lungs without really knowing what's in it."

Wait. Stop right there. Dr. Feinstein, have you ever even seen an e-liquid site, much less vaped? The ingredients are almost always listed on these vendor sites with the appropriate warnings. The brand I use states clearly on their site AND their bottles all ingredients contained in their e-liquid. As a matter of fact, all of their materials are made in America and USP grade. Maybe you were right...20 years ago. As a Spokesman for the American Lung Association, I would think you would research more. Maybe find out what the common components are and elaborate on each item individually to better inform your audience. Baseless scare tactics exhaust me.

On a brighter note, this Coffee and Cream from Mountain Oak Vapors is just the thing I needed to make the sun come up. ;) Thank you. <3

Mountain Oak Vapors

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fear of Vaping

I find it increasingly amusing that "vape-curious" people are so timid when it comes to the idea of carrying around a device.  Why in the world would you worry about vaping in public when you smoked in public for so long?  Have you heard of secondhand vape?  I haven't.  And you probably never will either.

I think the problem is that you don't vapers see it as commonly as smokers.  When was the last time you saw someone vaping?  If you're like me, you are the only one you actually know that does it.  But, with gas stations stocking their shelves with the disposables, maybe it will become more common.  I am slowly starting a movement with my friends and loved ones.  Taking away their packs and easing 510's in their hands.

I do believe in a few years it will be bizarre to see someone smoking an actual analog.  *sigh*  Maybe one day.  Until then, I'll puff on my Cinnamon Swirl and be a trendsetter.

Oh wait!  Did you want to try some?
Mountain Oak Vapors

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy No Smoking Day to the UK!

It's No Smoking Day for the inhabitants of the UK.


Kudos for implementing an appointed day for people to try to kick a nasty habit.  I don't know how much weight it carries for smokers, but I hope that it inspires them to know that there are other people making the same tough choice.  No.  Not a choice.  I don't want to call it that.  It's more like a battle.

Don't feel left out if you don't live in the UK.  There is always World No Tobacco Day.


So, on March 31, put that pack down.  If you've already started the battle, encourage someone else to put their pack down.  You know....technically, there is no tobacco in an e-cig.  I plan to vape the entire day....Proudly.  Nay!  Triumphantly!  I'll have to put in a major order for my e-liquid of choice ahead of time!

Mountain Oak Vapors

I would like to pose a question for the ladies.  Why can't we have a NO LAUNDRY DAY?!  :(

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Quitting Smoking

So, I haven't had an actual cigarette in 1 month.  I have tried to stop smoking several times and failed miserably. Miserably.  In the past, I would last anywhere from 3 days to 1 week.  I know, I know....pitiful.  But, last month, I found something extraordinary.  Vaping.  Vaping has opened a door for me.  With vaping, I can now enjoy my Nicotine minus the nastiness of a cigarette.  And what could be better than that?  My mother's silence.  She would nag and begrudge my dirty, little habit.  But, after some research, she actually supports my vaping.  Dare I say...She's PROUD of it.  If you're looking to trade in one habit for another, you should look it up.  But, what's better than that?  I can vape virtually anywhere.  That's right.  Virtually anywhere.  Since there is no combustion, it's not considered smoking.

So, how did it start?  I started on those cheap, disposable gas station e-cigs.  (I'm sure the "vaping community" is shuddering, but hey, you have to start somewhere!)   Then I moved on to Blu cigs with pre-filled cartomizers.  Better still.  But, then...Oh, then, I found my Lavatube.  (www.volcanocigs.com) And the heaven's opened, etc, etc.  Some of you Vaping Veterans are now wondering what I vape.  I found a little, local operation called Mountain Oak Vapors. They blew my mind.  I <3 them.  They adhere to my usual criteria :

1. American made.
2. No custards.
3. I can select my Nicotine level.
4. Their Customer Service is awesome.

I really don't see myself taking a step back to cigarettes now.  Wish me luck!